My heart belongs to my husband, but Edward Cullen can have my neck!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Finished Breaking Dawn! - Spoilers

OK, I finished it last night. (Yep, I'm a slow, thorough reader.) I liked the ending for the most part. It seemed a little rushed though...

As far as the book rating, I think the general consensus with everyone I have talked to about it is, I have a rated R imagination. ;) And based on my experiences, it won't be the same for a young lady who has not been married ;).

If there were a 5th book, I might not read it, just because I feel like I have lost interest, now... It was just all wrapped up too quick... For all the details she puts in to so much of the other books and even this one in the beginning, it just wrapped up way too fast.

I do have my own little "fantacy" or predictions as to things that I would think might happen further on in their history. For one, I do not think Jacob would have any competittion once the other half breed met Leah... I think they would imprint. ;)

I must say, Emmett is VERY MUCH like the Rocket Scientist! I could TOTALLY relate to Bella in the suggestive and sexually overtoned teasing. However, Rose is nothing like the Rocket Scientist's wife as far as being self absorbed.

At work, now, so will blog more on this later...


Karen said...

Yes, Rocket Scientist just started reading "Breaking Dawn." The ways that Emmet and my other half are alike is a little disturbing. I think I may be most like Victoria. Delusional about the man I love and committed to whatever it is till it is making me stupid and sometimes lethal.

tiki_lady said...

I liked the surprises through out the book but definitely didn't care for the ending. She built it up and built it up with Bella and her powers and being able to protect, etc. but it was a stand off and then over. I wanted someone from the voluturi to suffer! I understand she wrote this book while she was also writing the host or finished it and if you read the host than you would understand the ending of this book. A huge mistake for Stephenie in my opinion. Edward took such a back seat. I liked how poor helpless Bella transitioned into a very strong character.



"I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money. You can keep the change!"

"I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money. You can keep the change!"
Vote Sarah Palin for President in 2012

IQ Test - IQ Test


Disclaimer #1

Some of my views and feelings expressed are due to having dealt with some very challenging relationships lately. Namely, having had 2 foster daughters for the past 3 years and having loved them and wanting so badly to make a positive difference in their lives.

After realizing that I have done all that I can do and admitting that it is time to "let them go", there is a measure of hurt and bitterness that I am working through. I need time to heal and to figure out how to deal with the feelings and emotions that I am left with.

Some of my posts are not going to be very uplifting and some will be down right uncomfortable to read. I recognize how difficult it is to be a part of peoples lives who struggle with depression. It is exhausting and not something that "refills ones cup."

My intentions in blogging are not to bring anyone down or suck them into my, sometimes depressing thoughts. I am not looking for a pity party or for people to suck dry.

For this new chapter in my life, I need to work on me and my family and strengthening who we are as individuals and a family unit. And most importantly, building our relationship with our Heavenly Father. I want to be a better person.

I hope that by being able to reflect on my feelings in blogging, I can heal and maybe somehow help someone else who has been through similar challenges/experiences to move forward and overcome their trials. I also recognize that in this, there may be others who have had experiences that can be shared with me to give me hope and encouragement. - I welcome your comments either way.

Disclaimer #2

If you have not read any or some of the Twilight series books and have a desire to and don't want to spoil anything, you might want to use caution in reading some of my posts that look like they are related to my feelings on the books.

I don't intend to spoil any of that reading experience for anyone. It has been a wonderful fantasy world and escape for me - a HUGE blessing for me to be able to think on these fictional people so that I could function "through the motions" of my life.


Squirty Wart is a nick name my father gave me when I was little. I always hated it. In looking to protect myself and family from online preditors, it has become a very convenient name for me to use and it has actually grown on me. ;)